(Rule applications....enforcement protocol.....appropriate sideout/point player positions.....etc.)
It is Team A's service. A4 serves when referee whistles for serve. A4's serve is misplayed by B1 and goes OOB. At the approximate same moment, both umpire and scorekeeper discover A4 is "out of service order" and was the wrong server.
(It was obvious that umpire should have recognized the A4 was the wrong server, as that player is readying to serve.....Is the appropriate action to take, is an "official's TO" to correct the service order.....or wait till the service violation.....then administer to the appropriate penalties?) After the violation.....then what should be done to correct the situation?
And then....of course....Coach A gets upset that the "umpire" lets this occur....their service point is taken away.....a point is awarded team B along with team A losing their service. Do you also card (R or Y) the coach for her bad conduct as well?
Sounds easy.....but much confusion when coach A won't listen to any explaination due to the fact she is running a "non-stop" dialog about how her team is being wronged.
HELP!!!! What say you all?