Fri Aug 31, 2007, 05:57pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 4,222
Originally Posted by cbfoulds
fit: I've been trying, as has Tee, to take you seriously in this thread.
While I suspected it would be a waste of time: still, I tried.
"There have been instances cited in this thread": false statement. The cases actually cited [as in: described with sufficient information to determine if the relator is telling the truth or merely repeating a "legend"] do not include a singel instance where the umpire has been found negligent in a final judgment for game-related injury. I know you can read, so your repeating this false statement is not merely error, it is a lie.
"Naive advice" is a matter of opinion; the value of the opinion having a great deal to do with the value of the opiner, or at least the extent to which that person is well-informed and well-intentioned, and their reputation for well-reasoned opinion. I'm not real worried about the outcome if anyone compares the two of us on either score.
For anyone who still gives a damn about the actual topic here: Do your job; err if you must, on the side of safety [just don't invent rules to do so]; buy the blinking insurance; and until they can cite some actual, verifiable, case, not just legends of what they "know", but won't tell - ignore the chicken-littles, both on the Boards and out in the world - who want to make you think that there are lawsuits under every base, waiting to leap out and bite you. At best, they are mistaken: at worst, they are lying blowhards.