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Old Thu Aug 30, 2007, 06:22am
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Oh, I read you perfectly. You had a chair flying across the floor. You didn't see who threw it, but you knew who threw it.
If I didn't see who threw it, how can I actually say I knew who threw it. I have no problem calling a technical on something I see. I get a little bit hestitant when i'm not sure. I'm only paid to enforce what I see. The bigger arguement here is one referee trying to tell another referee he did something wrong when it's not his call to make. Why can't you accept the fact that there is more than one way to handle a conflict. We don't always have to enforce a T or spank the kid to get them to do the right thing. It was my game, my decision, and I stand behind it. You may not agree with me, but guess what, it's not your decision to make.

If you want to fire me because I did't enforce a T when I admitted I wasn't sure who to gice the T too. Then that's on you. Oh, and I can live with that. My bet is if you continue to do business like this, you won't have very many competent officials working for you.

It's funny, I know refs who are reluctant to call Ts if they're afraid it might affect the outcome. Then there are refs who are reluctant to call one when it won't affect the outcome.
There's also referees who won't call a T when they are not sure. I think that calling a T should be used to better the game. If it's not going to better the game than the ref should have the disgression on whether to enforce or not. IOW's, if the game already determined, why add further insult to your game. I know you don't think before you act, but further thought into calling this T meant delaying the game longer, thus prolonging the ending and increasing the time for something even stupider to happen.

I made a decision for the betterment of the game, not for the betterment of the official. It's not about me. I will get another game to work and a chance to redeem myself. So far, you guys have made this about the official. I'm the only one who is standing up for the game, who considers the game more important. It's called game management. Get over yourself and you might learn something.