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Old Wed Aug 29, 2007, 01:44am
David Emerling David Emerling is offline
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Location: Germantown, TN (east of Memphis)
Posts: 783
Originally Posted by Dakota
You've essentially proposed the DP/FLEX become a half-EP, that's all. But, have fun with your proposal - now all you need is someone to sponsor it at the next NFHS rules committee meeting.
Half-EP? I like that!

Yes, that seems to be a pretty good description. But, unlike an EP, the "extra player" doesn't require an extra spot in the batting lineup.

I'm not holding my breath for anybody to embrace this rule. Rulesmakers are very protective over their rules. They don't embrace the notion that there is a better (and more understandable) way to do what they've originally created.

The DP/FLEX rule, as it stands, requires a lot of thinking ... a lot of bookkeeping on everybody's part ... substitutions become brainteasers, and few teams take full use of it mostly because they are uncomfortable with it. And that's because they don't fully understand it.

I would say most teams that use it - use it as nothing more than a DH.

David Emerling
Memphis, TN

Last edited by David Emerling; Wed Aug 29, 2007 at 09:25am.
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