Originally Posted by Brad
Actually, I think that the NBA is more concerned with associations that you might make if you frequent gambling establishments. There is also a concern about officials getting deep in debt to someone and having to do a "favor" to someone in order to get out of debt.
I think that the NBA needs to distinguish for its officials the line between betting $20 on the slots in Vegas or losing/winning a few hundred at blackjack and wagering thousands of dollars on table games and betting on sports... they are not the same.
Personally, I think that the NBA has completely won the PR war on this one... It's amazing how much of a NON-issue Donaghy has been in the media. It's almost as if all the fans collectively said, "Yeah -- see, told you so." and then went about their business.
Believe it or not, we agree.
That 1 rat in the mousetrap lets the fans move on with their lives.
PR war won.
20 rats?? Hey...hold on here...
Even the most casual fan would be shocked at the apparent extent of the problem. It doesn't really matter that "the problem" is someone occasionally dropping a couple of bucks on a casual walk through a casino. All they know is 20 or so of these guys got fired for "gambling". As you say, not at all the same as some mobbed-up gambling addict...but to the casual observer that doesn't matter. And whipped up by some "journalist" making a big deal out of next to nothing...?
That's why we won't see anyone else fired over this mess.