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Old Tue Aug 28, 2007, 08:02pm
JasonTX JasonTX is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 762
What's the point in Team A of even having to snap the ball then? Anything can happen on the last play of the game even on a kneel down. I had a game once where Team A was winning with time running out. Team B was out of timeouts. Team A snapped, B rushed and the QB took a knee. The next play we knee Team A would be taking a knee. The ball was snapped but the QB muffed the ball. Luckily for Team B they weren't playing lightly and they ended up recovering the ball. Imagine if we would have even hinted for Team B to quit playing. Play hard till the clock hits zero no matter what team A says they are going to do. We have to be good enough as officials to be able to react to any nonsense that takes place when and if team A does take a knee.
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