... and I criticize LL umps!
Friday night, Phils @ Cubs. I saw only the highlights on ESPN.
Carloz Ruiz, at head end of potential 6-4-3 DP, goes barrel-a$$ing into 2B, taking out Marcus Giles. It was almost a football rolling block. B-R safe at first, even though Giles did get a throw off. No call at second other than Ruiz out.
Of course, ESPN focused on the brouhaha that ensued, with a little contremps between Giles and Ruiz. THEN, ESPN tells us that umps have finally called out B-R for Ruiz's INT. No call when it happened though.
Bill Welke at 2B, BTW.
I have to admit, if I saw this in W-port, and the right call wasn't made until well after the play phase was over, I would have been screaming blue murder.
There is no such thing as idiot-proof, only idiot-resistant.