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Old Fri Apr 19, 2002, 02:21pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Jenkins and "The Tee"

. . . will ALWAYS be on the same team on this call.

I respect Garth, I respect Carl . . . however, it has always been and will remain a balk if a right handers first move when raising his non-pivot foot is NOT a movement towards first base.

A RH pitcher CANNOT have a "hanging leg" on a move to first base . . . no matter what Carl sez, no matter what Garth sez . . .

While pitcher is not REQUIRED to step off or do a jump step (pleeeeeaze watch a major league right hander this weekend and notice that EVERYONE of them either steps back, does a jump turn or uses the famous Greg Maddox "jab step") all MLB pitchers use one or the other.

IF a pitcher stays in contact with the pitcher's plate and moves his non-pivot foot he must be moving DIRECTLY to a pick-off move . . .

There I feel better now!!!!
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