Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
Since the question is somewhat obscure, here's the answer. Michael Harper is the former Trailblazer who wore Bill Walton's number (32) from the time Walton did until the number was retired. Believe me, no one confused Harper with Walton, however.
BTW - I bought a Harper game-worn jersey he donated to an auction to benefit the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and gave the jersey to my son, who was 12 at the time. The following year, we attended a Blazer alumni team charity game at our local HS and my son wore the jersey. Harper was playing and saw my son in the stands with the jersey on. He pulled him out of the stands and had him shoot two free throws that he was about to shoot.
That's a great memory for both of us. 
....yeah he....he shot 2 free throws...that's it...and he made them both and won the big game and now he's...he's got his own wing in the NBA HOF...that's it...yeah...right next to the Jon Deibler Wing!
That's it.