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Old Fri Aug 24, 2007, 08:41am
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Originally Posted by UmpLarryJohnson
watched both games last nite and an NOT complaining--both PUs did OK, not as good as the german umpire but fine none the les. the PU for the interntl game hass a lota 'lookatme' florishes but zone was prety good plus he had to go to 10th inning...

ga--az game pu did ok too. LOVED how he shut down the ga coach on the disputed call (even tho it apeared that it was the wrong call--kid walked any way so no harm).

so see ican complement as well!
They declared it wrong in the booth, but it looked to me like it may have caught the bat between the hands.

I had a similar call in the Senior Regional I worked. No TV, of course. Coach asked me to get help and I told him that those guys (my partners) were over 100 feet away and I had the call myself.

Contrary to popular opinion, LL does not require umpires to huddle. We were encouraged to get our own calls and only talk when necessary. I also found out last week that Williamsport does not require umpires to pivot in on every hit, that the umpires should just do what they're comfortable with.

My day there, I saw pretty standard mechanics, excepting that U2 could NOT go out and came in on every batted ball. Of course, that may be standard on a small diamond -- I just find it odd that an umpire would be moving away from a potential trouble ball happening right in front of him.
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