Originally Posted by jkumpire
I think I know the answer already, but this might be something for people to chew on. At a local rules meeting last night the questions was asked: "If A is allowed to have penalties on scoring plays applied to the kickoff, can the defense do the same thing?" He had found no rule that said they could not.
In short, the question asks if B can be given the option if they score. The answer is Rule 8-2-2 applies to both A and B. It even could apply to R. All that is required is to apply the proper team designation to 8-2-2.
Team designation is defined in 2-43.
2-43-1: Offense = team in possession of the ball.
Defense = team not in possession of the ball.
2-43-2: A = Team putting ball in play. B = opponent.
2-43-3: K = Team who legally kicks ball. R = opponent
2-43-4: Team designations (A and B, K and R) are retained until the ball is next marked ready for play.
So during any down A, B, K, and R does not change. The only thing that can change is offense/defense.
The question as given above compares
A and
defense as if they are never the same. As written it assumes that A is always on offense and is the only team that can score, and and B is always on defense. That is not true. Team A and the defensive team could be the same team.
Play: A1 drops back to pass and throws an interception to B1 who runs the ball back for a touchdown.
The play starts with A on offense and B on defense. When B1 intercepted B changed to become the offense and A changed to defense. B is the team that scored because they remain B throughout the down.