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Old Wed Aug 22, 2007, 10:29am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by Interested Ump
Bully for you. I believe every word. All the way up the RF line? How about short RF where you run out on fly balls? Field conditions change, do you check the field before every inning? Why not? Field conditions change. You also oversee your partner to make certain he checks the field? How fun are you to work with? Tell you what, you come waltzing over to tell me to check the field, you better bring more with you than that crappy smirk on your face with you, Chowder.
I'm not surprised at all at the snarkiness you've replied with, fit ...

But I am surprised this is the issue you'd choose to be snarky about.

Doesn't EVERYONE check their fields? It's expected in ANY area I've worked, not just the one I'm responsible for.

And yes ... assuming it's a normal game and I'm there 45 minutes ahead of time (which is normal around here), I do check the ENTIRE field. I'm not just checking for me ... but for everyone. Occasionally we're able to point out something to someone before gametime, where it can be addressed (pothole, or dry cracked earth (happens in Texas a lot - not this year so much), hole in a fence, etc).

Do I "oversee my partner"? No - I "oversee" all of the umpires in my area, and they know that this is a priority - not just for me, for ALL umpires.

If I ever find you working for me, and you display this kind of disdain for what I think is the very basics of our responsibilities, I don't think I'd be worrying about you checking fields much longer - you'd not be on the schedule for long. If I'm working in someone else's area, and I find an umpire with your attitude, no ... I'm not going to TELL you to do it - I'm going to ask you if you're coming with me though (of course .. you probably showed up with 5 minutes to go before gametime, and have to run to your car for your hat ... so I would have already checked the field for you).

(PS - Football officials do this to ... even on turf ... and that field is considerably larger)
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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