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Old Tue Aug 21, 2007, 04:46pm
bgtg19 bgtg19 is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
It sounds to me like we have a lot of males upset that their lives are going to be altered because girl's basketball is being moved.
I am not upset that my life will be altered (as I indicated, the change is preferable to me), but I do think the court issued a decision that was wrongly decided. To be sure, some people just don't like change. And, to be sure, Michigan will be able to adjust.

Originally Posted by JRutledge
I think my record of equality and standing for equality is long documented on this site.
We can certainly agree that your record is long documented on this site. As for the characterization of your record, we'll have to agree to disagree.

Originally Posted by JRutledge
If anything you sound like the old segregationist that complain that things should stay the same because that is the way we have always done it. Not that anyone here is a student and has to make college choices based on this factor.

Originally Posted by JRutledge
Also for the record, if my state tomorrow changed the girl's season to the fall, it would not change my life one bit. I do not work girl's basketball and it certainly would not want to work another sport during the football season.
Thank you for this significant contribution you make to the quality of life of high school female athletes.

Originally Posted by JRutledge
I do always find it funny the very people that are never subject to discrimination are always the people trying to claim "discrimination" is situations it does not apply.
I agree that it is too bad when people claim discrimination where it does not exist. For example, the parents who started the whole "change of seasons" lawsuit. But I am not claiming any kind of discrimination here. The parents were not attempting to unlawfully "discriminate" against me or others. The court, in its decision, is not "discriminating" against girls or boys or hermaphrodites. The fact that girls and boys will play basketball in the same season is not, in my opinion, a form of unlawful discrimination (nor was it unlawful discrimination, in my opinion, for girls and boys to play in different seasons). I do think girls experience unlawful discrimination in educational athletics more than boys. But I don't see any "discrimination" in the court's ruling or the fact that Michigan is having to make adjustments. It just is what it is. As truerookie points out, we'll just live with it. And we'll be fine. (In that, I agree with you Jeff.)

Although I am not here claiming any discrimination in this discussion, I do claim every right to point out discrimination. And I caution you Jeff to not conclude (based on, what, message board postings?!) that someone else has never experienced discrimination. You don't know my "characteristics" and my experiences. You just make lots of assumptions about them.

I'm done in this thread....
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