Thread: Foul tip
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Old Tue Aug 21, 2007, 06:45am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Al
Yes... the answer is in the question (if a car is exceeding the speed it speeding?) nothing else; such as the color, matters for we are told the car was exceeding the speed limit so the statement is true.

Now, speaking U-Trip why is an infield fly rule explained the way it is? Why not just say if a base runner is on 1st and a base runner is on 2nd with less than two outs, etc. since bases being loaded always includes a runner on 1st and 2nd and there's no rule that says if bases are loaded it voids an infield fly rule? ...Al
Probably for the same reason ASA uses that wording....somewhere along the way some idiot coach argued that to be in infield fly there had to be runners on 1st & 2nd only because the rule didn't specifically state it was an infield fly with runners on 1st, 2nd & 3rd. And what probably got it into the book is some idiot umpire who didn't attend clinics or read the book every year figured that this guy caught onto something that had been overlooked for years and refused to rule it as an infield fly.
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