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Old Thu Apr 18, 2002, 05:52am
Del-Blue Del-Blue is offline
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I'm going home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though the first baseperson was not actually playing where he/she normally would(I assume this is the glove the coach is objecting to) there are no other fielders playing in that position. Therefore I am telling the coach that he/she is still considered the firstbase person. I will also add very good point coach, but it ain't going to fly.

All of this is after I make sure the player with the mitt not actually playing in the normal first base position is the glove the coach is protesting.

This is the same IMMHO as when the firstbase person and the short stop and the third baseperson all play on an arch even with the pitcher during an obvious bunt situation, then the secondbase person moves over closer to first to assume firstbase coverage.

Just my opinion....YMMV

Ooooooooooooops. Damn, first time I've been wrong in years..............
:>) :>) :>) :>) :>)

Now I have to rethink the above play during an obvious bunt play.

Here is a question, Can I stop this play from happening, or do I need to wait to see if the offense appeals the illegal glove????????????

[Edited by Del-Blue on Apr 18th, 2002 at 08:54 AM]
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