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Old Mon Aug 20, 2007, 10:09am
TXMike TXMike is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
I think Stern knows NBA fans aren't idiots. He knows they can tell the difference between betting on one's own games (Donaghy) and going to a casino to play a game of black jack. He won't need to go down with the ship, because this isn't going to bring the ship down.

I expect, if anything, to see fines levied and nothing more.

Brad has a point, polygraphs aren't really admissable in court, so unless he is able to provide more evidence than that, Stern may not be able to do much. Then again, the NBA Officials Association isn't exactly the Major League Baseball Players Association.
You do not understand what I am saying. I am saying that the results of the poly can be used by Stern to initiate investigations into the other named refs. Does not have to be admissible in court for him to do that. Furthermore, there are collective bargaining agreeements and employment contracts in many workplaces that require employees to submit to polygraphs in some cases. I do not know if the NBA has that or not. I suspect they do have a pretty easy way to dump someone should they choose to do so. Probably does not take much. Like I said before, nobody has a RIGHT to be a NBA ref.
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