:| i asked question about basketball not about your dogs...cats...etc..
Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Wow, you guys were a little edgy last night.
Ms. No-name, first of all, you received a rather unhelpful reception because this is a forum for referees. We generally talk about rules and situations within games that happen to us. We don't usually spend a lot of time thinking about the questions that you asked.
Second, you questions are a little vague. I'm guessing that you're asking about the risks to your child in playing organized basketball. The risks are similar to any organized athletic activity. There's the chance for twisted ankles and knees, I've seen a chipped tooth, cuts and bumps and bruises. Sometimes, very rarely, these injuries can be severe.
The level of supervision varies widely, depending on the organization that sponsors the games. Sometimes only one adult is available to supervise at games and practices. In a high school setting, there are usually at least two coaches supervising.
Thanks Scrapper1, im not asking about my child playing basketball coz i have no children

i asked this question coz i need this for school..