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Old Fri Aug 17, 2007, 06:02pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by Don Mueller
I have to say I'm very confused.
If my assumption is wrong it means we are in agreement, that would not be good for you. But if my assumption is correct why would you even be bringing it up?
1. You were responding to my response to this post

Originally Posted by Jim Porter
You have that a bit wrong. The call that's obvious to everyone is the *right* call. The call can't be, "wrong," if it's obvious to everyone. It might not be exactly what you think you saw, but it's most certainly the *right* call
You're right, you are very confused. I was not responding to you in any way. I posted a play soliciting comments from the board without stating my call on the situation. That simple.

I do want to apologize to all the proponents of the phantom tag. Since I have not attained the professionalism needed to cheat the offense and reward the defense for an improper tag I must also not be able to properly identify the plays where cheating is allowed. So if this was not a cheatable play I'm sorry. I'll try to have better discernment in the future.
Oh, golly, where to begin?

I guess it's best just left at, your posts seem to demonstrate that you are inexperienced at best, or simply clueless.

Oh, and the amusement is starting to wear thin as you show no indication of growth or learning. You really appear as an umpire with one year of experience X times, rather than an umpire with X years of experience.

Do yourself a favor, get some real training.

Last edited by GarthB; Sun Aug 19, 2007 at 02:31am.
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