Peter: I can see your point as to how unions could be helpful, however, in my area it would probably be a lot of expense for little gain. First of all, we already receive the highest pay I have heard about for HS. Some other areas get way less than my state. The downside: our associations have no evaluation process, no rating, no advancement due to improvement and hard work. Actually, the assignors are separate from the associations, and just draw their officials from them with no sense of who has ability or not. If you don't open your mouth and complain, you could be doing division four HS JV/FR for ten years.
There is no system of fairness in place at all. For example, a new umpire joined our asso. last year (he does have some experience from out-of-state), and he was assigned a slate of 18 varsity games this season, sight unseen. He was "hooked up" with one of the good 'ol boys(and I do mean old). How T'd off do you think that makes umps who have been members for 6-10 years?
I would be in favor of a union if it could help make game assignmens more equitible. However, from what I understand, most areas already have evaluation systems in place, without unions. I already report my officiating income, so the taxes aren't an issue with me. Stirring up the pot and demanding evaluations and assignments according to ability and seniority is what needs to be done here (with or without a union), but I'm not sure if I have the gumption to be the instigator. Politics and assigning their old buddies will be difficult to reduce here, let alone eliminate.