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Old Thu Aug 16, 2007, 01:51pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by PeteBooth
You are comparing Apples / Oranges

A sac bunt / Sac Fly is PART of the GAME. It means that the team IS Trying to score which is entirely different than what is happening in this thread.

Feeling is mutual because if you condone what this manger did then I wouldn't work for you along with many umpires I know. I already mentioned that if the game dictated it I do not have a problem being out there "all day" but that is not the case in this thread.

Pete Booth
You make a lot of assumptions.

Find any place where I say I condone this manager's actions. In fact, while I can understand giving up a 3rd out to get into another inning when you're down by more than a couple of runs, especially if you have your better hitters coming soon... but I think it was probably bad managing to give up TWO outs, especially with R2 and R3 already.

However, my personal views about the stupidity of his strategy are irrelevant. We are there to officiate the game, not make judgement on tactics. While I think this manager's actions might be stupid, or even contrary to the intent of the game ... THAT'S NOT MY CALL, nor is it yours.

You are simply cheating to penalize a LEGAL tactic that you don't like.

My point, repeatedly made, and repeatedly missed by you, is that this tactic is NOT against the rules, and your unilateral decision to rob him of the 3 minutes he gained by taking this tactic is completely against any code of ethics I want my umpires following. There's no better word than cheating.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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