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Old Wed Aug 15, 2007, 11:56am
bkbjones bkbjones is offline
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Originally Posted by SRW
We had one league last year use stealing that I know of, and I believe they're still using it this year (I haven't been assigned there this year to know - bkbjones: Costco, do they still use it?)

I liked it. Like gdc25 said, it forces F2 to keep his head in the game. That said, there were only maybe 2 steals per game... and those were where F2 let the ball go to the backstop. Seemed to be better quality ball than we typically see.

The mechanics they clarified with it this year make sense to me, but I haven't had the opportunity to use them to know first hand.

I dunno. I was supposed to do them on Sunday.

I wish we had more leagues that used it. Not only forces F2 to catch the ball, but think how much better off our shins and heads will be with someone back there who actually CAN catch the ball.
An ucking fidiot
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