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Old Tue Aug 14, 2007, 07:49am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by TussAgee11
Ozzy - you bring up a good point about the WV riding up as you come to your stance. But still, it should cover my collarbone ALL the time.

I understand a properly adjusted WV will cover this area, but I can't tighten the straps that give you a smaller "head hole" anymore. I mean the straps that run right over the shoulders. Is this the "horizontal strap" you are talking about Bob? Or are you refering to the one that raps around and clicks into the front, by way of the underarm.

And I'm still confused about this Y strap?

The "horizontal strap" runs parallel to the wasit -- it's the one that hooks into each side of the chest protector.

The Y strap runs vertically from the horizontal strap (the horizontal strap runs "through" the base of the Y strap) and the "arms" of the Y then run to the shoulders of the chest protector.

If the arms of the Y strap are as tight as they can be, then shorten the vertical portion of the Y strap.
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