Illegal kicking and penalty...
K is in scrimmage kick formation on his own 20 yard line on 4th down.. R is trying to block the kick with only a few seconds left and behind by 6 points. The ball sails over the kickers head as R players are rushing for the ball. while the ball is loose on the 5 yard line, K1 kicks the ball into the end zone and past the endline. There are three seconds on the clock.
This seems like a time where the penalty by K could actually help them out of a situation. Am I getting the penalty correct by saying that the best option for R maybe to take the re-kick fro, the 2 1/2yline.
And what about if the illegal kick had happened in the end zone?
Can the distance penalty be taken on the safety if desired?
Last edited by kfo9494; Mon Aug 13, 2007 at 12:41pm.