Originally Posted by Mike Ricketts
One of the nuances of the running lane rule is that it doesn't protect the fielder who fields the ball and makes the throw to first base. It protects the fielder attempting to receive the throw at first. However, when you explain the rule to your 9 year old, be sure to leave this part out. Otherwise, he then might ask, "But, why, why, why, on the play we saw, was Ichiro called out when his running outside the lane didn't have anything to do with the pitcher making a bad throw -- and that was why the first baseman couldn't catch it?" If he asks you that question, you'll have to ask someone else for an answer, because I don't have one.
I have an explanation (I didn't see the play). If the play was as you described, it is simply the umpire's judgment if the runner hindered F3's ability to catch the ball. Simple as that.
Again, I didn't see the play, so perhaps something else was going on here.