Thread: D3K Mechanic
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Old Mon Aug 06, 2007, 07:44pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by Forest Ump
Looks like this board needs a mechanic question asked as I have seen alot of non umpire stuff on here lately. So here it is:

I was at the A's / Angels game on Saturday and observed the PU do the following mechanic on a D3K. He cleared the catcher by going right on to the foul side and maybe 7 steps up the line all while giving a constant safe sign. It looked very professional to me the way he executed it. I couldn’t tell if he had received a signal from the other umpire as to weather the ball was caught or in the dirt. He was however 100% confident it was in the dirt which was evident from his mechanic.

So I ask, Is this the mechanic being taught today? What would the mechanic be if it was caught?
The approved mechanic and what is currently being taught is to give a strike signal to the side (no hammer, even if the hammer is used for strikes one and two) and then give the safe sign and say "No catch."

The hammer for the strike call is avoided so that it is not confused with an out call.
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