D3K Mechanic
Looks like this board needs a mechanic question asked as I have seen alot of non umpire stuff on here lately. So here it is:
I was at the A's / Angels game on Saturday and observed the PU do the following mechanic on a D3K. He cleared the catcher by going right on to the foul side and maybe 7 steps up the line all while giving a constant safe sign. It looked very professional to me the way he executed it. I couldn’t tell if he had received a signal from the other umpire as to weather the ball was caught or in the dirt. He was however 100% confident it was in the dirt which was evident from his mechanic.
So I ask, Is this the mechanic being taught today?
"That's all I have to say about that."
Last edited by Forest Ump; Tue Aug 07, 2007 at 01:15am.