One of the best pitches I saw all evening from Team B came on it's 2nd bounce
I hope you rung it up just so you could get the coaches going (just kidding). JMO but if I get a one-sided game as your speaking about yes I will most of the time OPEN things up too BUT I never discuss it with the coaches to me that is kinda opening a can of worms if you know what I mean. Also when I do "open" things up I do it the same for both teams because you never know when one those weird things are going to happen I have seen several times where one team has taken a 15-0 lead in the 1st never score another run and have the other team come back and make the game close or even win it
I notice in your post your from SUNNY CA it most be nice I just got rain out of another 6 games scheduled for today. So far I have lost 20 games due to weather and everything is backing up at this rate some Sat in June I will probably be scheduled to call 100 games. Oh well that life I guess
Have a good one
[Edited by oppool on Apr 13th, 2002 at 05:39 PM]