Originally Posted by canadaump6
A couple of things I wanted to point out.
As a player, I do not like umpires who are not willing to put their best effort towards preparing for an officiating a game. We have had umpires talking about how my league should only have 7 inning games, and not go the full 9 innings.
As an umpire, I do not like players who think they can tell an umpire what to say or do. You sound more like a rat than an umpire. Pick one and stick with it and don't try to wear two hats. Perhaps the umpires took this position because the teams in your league really suck and you are all not as good as your egos perceive you to be.
Originally Posted by canadaump6
I have also had enough with some of the punks on here who pick on PWL, when he isn't even here to defend himself. I have never had a problem with him. To claim one poster (StevenTyler) to be another (PWL) just because they both possess integrity is ludicrous.
For the record, PWL and Steven Tyler are in fact the same person. It's not guesswork, it's not hocus-pocus. It is just a fact. Deal with it. And I'm still trying desperately to find this so-called integrity that he allegedly possesses.