Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by bob jenkins
Review (of umpire's performance by a qualified reviewer or group): Yes.
Instant Review (in a panacea to "get the call right"): Generally no.
In no instance would you support IR, none? Not even for a Reviewer who could be at the field performing both as your Reviewer and Play Reviewer? (think College Football)
Originally Posted by bob jenkins
1) We're talking about baseball, not college football.
We are talking IR where the game is stopped and, possibly, a limited number of IRs are awarded each game. You know that, don't be disingenuos.
2) I said "generally" not "in no instance". The only time I can think of that it might be used is fair/foul on a "home run" -- where the ball is dead either way.
Then you need to think harder. I have listed several that make perfect sense, one would be a catch-no catch, 2 out, where the determination would be a catch and all Rs would not be allowed to advance.