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Old Fri Aug 03, 2007, 09:03pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by canadaump6
A couple of things I wanted to point out.

As a player, I do not like umpires who are not willing to put their best effort towards preparing for an officiating a game.
As a reader, I do not like posters who are not willing to put their best effort forth when writing a sentence.

We have had umpires talking about how my league should only have 7 inning games, and not go the full 9 innings.
Maybe they're right.

To that, I say hang up the umpiring uniform, because anyone who is looking to get off the ball diamond as quickly as possible has no business being involved in the game at all.
You are making an assumption. They may be referring to the inability of the players to play at a quality level beyond seven innings.

As umpires we are getting paid to serve the players and coaches.
No, we are getting paid to arbitrate the game. There is a difference.

To claim one poster (StevenTyler) to be another (PWL) just because they both possess integrity is ludicrous.
I believe this may be the first time I agreed with you. It would indeed be ludicrous if that was the reason for the claim. But, it is not.