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Old Tue Apr 25, 2000, 08:22am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by linejudge:

I would like to politely disagree. I say politely, since I am not totally 100% sure. However, I thought in Federation, if the starting pitcher stays in the game (meaning: he moved to right field) that he can come back and pitch once the sub(s) fullfill the requirment of "out or on".

However, if he leaves the game, he can no longer return to pitch, but still has re-entry rights.

Let me know if I am mistaken.

Erick Watson
Medford, OR

Okay -- you're mistaken (both times you posted).

If the total warm-up pitches are more than alloted to the pitcher who first starts the warm-ups, then that pitcher may not pitch for the remainder of the game. Case 3.1.2b. That pitcher may remain in the game, or leave ane re-enter, if he was a starter.

Also, a starter who is removed may re-enter as a pitcher as long as he faced at least one batter and his removal was not "forced" by the coach having used up his "free" defensive conferences. 3-1-2Note

Hope that helps.

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