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Old Thu Aug 02, 2007, 03:57pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by jontheref
The God rule works in the second one quite nicely. In the pee wee play it also applies but if you want to go one step further...I have an illegal snap since the snapper gets up...turns around and hands the ball to the quarterback. It is not one continuous motion.
I can't watch the video from here, but I'll just ask a few questions:
  • Was the snapper facing approximately forward (judging by shoulders) at the time he began to move the ball?
  • After putting his hand(s) on the ball, and optionally adjusted it, did he pause clearly before moving it?
  • From the time he began moving the ball, did it continue to move backwards in a quick & continuous motion until it left his hand(s)?
  • Was the snapper motionless (judged by appropriate standard for the level of play) before starting to move the ball?
If "yes" to all of the above, aren't the formation, the motion, and the snap itself legal under USAn rules? (Unless there's been a recent change, Canadian rules require the ball to be snapped between the legs heel-to-toe.)

Or was the video just of another "wrong ball" type play, which is illegal for other reasons?


Last edited by Robert Goodman; Thu Aug 02, 2007 at 04:01pm.
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