Originally Posted by Andy
Darrell - Trip was great, weather was fantastic!
Glen - I seem to recall those names from the pre-tournament meetings, but did not work with either of them or meet them. Are they from Texas?
As for the play....well, I really blew this one....I called Obstruction on the catcher for her actions prior to attempting to recover the ball and awarded the BR first and R1 home
The defensive coach wasn't very happy with the call, but his main gripe was that the BR was out of the running lane.
When I explained the call to my partner and the UIC later, they both agreed with it...guess I will have to contact them and explain what the correct call should have been.
Hey..read Mike's post....I dont think this was one to hang your head over... YOU were there..and you know what youre doing..this is one that can be argued over...... and a ruling from the national staff may prove us wrong.....