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Old Tue Jul 31, 2007, 10:31am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder
Good point, or not. What about a bunt rolling just 1 inch foul. Say he picks this one up. Show me the rule that justifies you penalizing that. You won't find it - it's not illegal.
7.09 (b): A runner is out when -- He intentionally deflects the course of a foul ball in any manner.

Note that MLBUM clarifies:

Official Baseball Rule 7.09(b) provides that the batter or runner is out for interference if he
intentionally "deflects the course of a foul ball in any manner." While picking up a foul ball or
otherwise touching it may not, by such act itself, actually deflect the course of the ball, an umpire
may judge such act as deflecting the course of the ball if, in the umpire's judgment, the ball
might have become a fair ball had it not been touched.
It would be better if no member of the offensive team picked up or otherwise touched a foul ball.
There is no objection to a coach returning a foul ball to the umpire after it has passed first or
third base, but the coach should not touch a ball that possibly may go fair.
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