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Old Mon Jul 30, 2007, 02:26pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Dexter
I'm not sure I understand this claim. What sort of T gives the team/player against which it's called an advantage?
In NF if I call a T on your team, you lose the ball and I give FTs to your opponent. In NCAA I can call a T for you and you can get the ball back at the same spot you had it before the T.

Now the reason this is not a problem at the NCAA level in my opinion, is the fact that college coaches have so much control over their programs. Very rarely have a single college player say "boo" to any official during a game because that T might lose a game, might lose a title and lose a job if it happens at the right time. A HS coach is not paid hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars and they are not accountable to as many people. So if a coach has an out of control kid, they cannot just get rid of that kid like a college coach can with one of their players. I think this is a rule that shows why you do POI for all Ts would be OK at the NCAA level, but might be a disaster at the HS level.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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