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Old Sun Jul 29, 2007, 07:16pm
Boiler14 Boiler14 is offline
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Posts: 58
I think everyone's take on the subject has been very informative...and they seem to have all been covered, too.

There are definately more things that can go wrong and very little that can go right.

The poster that said after 26 years you build relationships with coaches and AD's brings up what I think is an excellent point that I was thinking about reading through the posts. Even though it isn't a son or daughter, these relationships are there and can put one in just as bad situation.

The big difference is that the fans won't necessarily recognize friendships like this but they may notice or hear about your kid playing in the game you are working.

When you work in the school system and officiate I think you build more relationships if you are a coach or AD with other schools. I coach a spring varsity sport and I have ran across other coaches who coach basketball as well. The players you coach against also recognize you and may say hi during warm ups. They are difficult to avoid.

Although no one suggest working a varsity game where their kid is playing, I don't have a problem with others doing it in the summer or lower levels. My kids aren't old enough where I have been put in that situation, so I will reserve the right to change my mind later. The times I've seen this in action (fortunately) there has not been a problem.

I think it boils down to the us as individuals. If you are okay with it, and the director/assigner/or whoever is okay with it, then go with it. If you don't want to put yourself in that situation, I'm going to support that decision as well.
Go Purdue!
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