Thread: Got one for you
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Old Sun Jul 29, 2007, 06:48pm
budjones05 budjones05 is offline
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Got one for you

I'm working the plate. We have one out and runners on 1st and 2nd. Strike 3 is called, but the ball is dropped. I scream strike 3, the batters out. The runner takes off for 1st and I still scream BATTER is out. Coach calls time and ask's why his runner can't run to 1st. I told him that he is struck out. He ask me why, can he run if the catcher drops the ball on the 3rd strike. I said yes he can, but if they are 1 out or less and 1st base is covered, the batter is automaticly out. He then told me that he coaches his players to run down on a drop 3rd strike. I told him that I don't know how its coach, but how it's umpired, we called the batter out. Question, Should I tell everyone that the batter is out or should I let everyone figure that one out?
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