Originally Posted by Bear
I, like IN Blu live in NorthWest Indiana and have been umping for many years. That being said; I was out at the Crown Point complex yesterday watching my 19 yr old daughter umping. I had a chance to talk with alot of umps from IL, MS, MI, and the UIC was from St. Louis. All said that they had great rooms and were being treated very well. The UIC was in a golf cart buzzing aroud the 7 field complex takeing umps to their fields. Parents were thrilled with the opening ceremonies at the local Minor League baseball stadium and the pin swaping and beach party on the shores of Lake Michigan. Our local buisness community have embraced this week long event and hope to have it back in the future. I guess bottom line is you can't bash all of NSA for your personal experience. In our area ASA is only slow pitch. NSA rules fastpitch.
I second with Bear! Where did U stay? My hotel was in Portage Indiana and had games in Michigan City.