Originally Posted by UmpLarryJohnson
so at what POINT does the MOD say WOW since 4/5 of the entire FORUM has IGNORED you but you STILL fill the forum with DRIVEL--that the DRIVELER is MADE to take a TIME OUT?
3/4 of EVERY THREAD is NOW IGnored posts from this GUY. WHEN will the forum END IT?
Wrong information. Mick and Bob, the moderators, do
NOT have the power to ban posters. They can recommend that but the owner of the site is the only one that is able to actually get rid of annoying posters. And that doesn't stop those yoyos from registering under another name and resuming posting. Case in point--the Chinese shoe sellers and PWL/StevenTyler. We've got a clown over on the basketball forum that's on his fourth
nom de net; he's been tossed under his first three.
Personally, I think that posters who mix caps and small letters and give readers headaches by doing so should be banned too.
Just trying to help