A poster here claims regarding IR:
"There is simply no reason to slow down an already long game to review calls that umpires get right most of the time. The
integrity of the umpires has never been questioned in any serious debate...calls that are missed cut both ways."
Wow, here I thought integrity included as its main ingredient making the best possible effort to be accurate.
Not according to him, "IR has no place in baseball".
The real, underlying issue here has only to do with fractured egos, low self-esteem and umpires who are afraid that they will be shown exaclty as they are.
My belief is if you really, honestly believe you are good, then you will welcome review. If not, then hide behind your "integrity" excuse. But how about getting out of the way of umpires who would prefer to reward the game with accuracy and don't have these mountain high, self esteem issues as crutches.