Thread: Help Needed
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Old Wed Apr 10, 2002, 10:28am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by planoblue
My question is that since the DH had already completed his warmup pitches does he have to face one batter before he can move to center field? Was the DH offically the pitcher once he started his warmups or is he the pitcher of record once the changes are made and announced to the other team. It seems that some of the experienced officials feel that the pitcher was not in the game until the changes were made. Others feel that once he completed his warmups he was an unreported sub and was in the game. The ball was never put in play. This was all done between innings. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If the umpire announced the sub (DH to pitch) to the other team, then he became the pitcher.

If it was not announced (as I suspect), then the DH did not become the pitcher. The DH would become the pitcher once the ball became live. 3-1-1.
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