I think that the only way they could follow the enforcement rules we have is to call it USC. You are calling two fouls here as 15 yards is the biggest possible. So there is a 15 yard DPI and a 15 yard USC. If you called the second PF or something else then you would have multiple fouls and could only enforce one of them. By calling the second USC, you can enforce the second 15 yards without disagreeing with the rest of the rules book. However we do know that USC penalties are always enforced unless we can't determine the order of the fouls. In this case there was only one USC foul, even though it was a contact foul which causes us to not think of it as a USC. It was one act for which we are calling two fouls. In other situations when there are two fouls committed by one act we usually just call it the worse of the two.
So based on all other calls we make I would say that all of the fouls offset and we replay the down. However if this is truly USC, though it is not listed under 9-5, then it must be enforce as it can't be offset by another live-ball, non-USC foul.
Last edited by Warrenkicker; Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 08:37am.