Originally Posted by njdevs00cup
I've appreciated all of the feedback, advice and comments relating to ALL levels of baseball. Including an occasional LL post allows those of us who umpire on both the big and little field to share coaching quotes such as, "OK guys, corners in, play for two!" I get assigned to work the LL World Series qualifiers, with District LL Umpires. Many a conversation begins with them telling me where I should be positioned, "......and that is called the A position! That's where you stand when there's no one on base!" I put on my best Golly Gee Beav. face and nod!
Too funny, Devs.
I, too, think that sheer LL stuff should not fly here. Toward the end of my umping days (now), I do only LL, but as someone else said, I like the quality of answers and expertrise here.
PLUS, much LL stuff DOES fall under OBR. Many of my sitches have ocurred at LL level; I just don't mention that.
There is a full-fledged LL board on Yahoo. I just ignore the "fair or foul" posts and the like.
And yes, many LL umps are a bit tetchy. Most of the smitties I know go near a computer about as often as they watch McNeil Lehrer. I ran into one the other who bellowed out "MY TIME" when he wanted to brush off the dish.