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Old Thu Jul 26, 2007, 12:19pm
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 962
You make it sound like 8U should be calm? I think it is the worst age, you have a group of parents that have NO clue about rules, only the ones they have known their whole lives....yep the myths! I was UIC of a local rec tourney 8U on one diamond 12U on two others. The most excitement was the 8U field.....had one coach and two parents in my face over a girl overrunning first and turning left....they taged her she should have been out. I saw the play my umpire ruled it perfectly, no attempt to advance runner is safe at 1st. Now I was told how wrong that was and how mistaken we were you HAVE to turn right or you are out if tagged. I informed them I would go get the ASA book if they would like to read it. "I don't care what the book says you are wrong" well that was the end of discussion.....but that is the mind set of these individuals.....crazy people, those kids were 6-8 years old for goodness sake.....sad, really sad!
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