Here are a couple of excerpts from the USSSA 6th Edition:
Sec. 32. A. A fly ball is a batted ball that rises to an appreciable height above the ground.
B. A line drive is a batted ball which travels parallel or nearly so with the ground through most of its flight.
C. A ground ball is one that is neither a fly nor a line drive.
Most of the other sections define one item (ie., Sec. 34. A throw out is a putout caused by a throw to first base to retire a batterrunner, or to any other base to which a runner is forced or is required to retouch.
Section 32 is three definitions rolled into one section. Kind of odd, I don't have any ASA books with me to compare ASA citations with USSSA citations.
Here is another example:
Under Rule 6. PLAYERS AND SUBSTITUTES, Section 5 E and F:
E. Re-entry, any player may be withdrawn from the game and re-entered once, provided such player occupies the same batting position whenever in the line-up. A violation results in an illegal substitution. A substitute who is withdrawn may re-enter.
F. Improper re-entry, an improper re-entry is handled as protest by the offended team. Improper re-entry is a violation after a pitch is made. Examples of improper re-entry are as follows:
1. Starter and/or substitute who re-enters in an incorrect batting position.
2. Starter and/or substitute who re-enters a second time.
E. Re-entry, any player may be.... Not grammatically correct, as Tom has pointed out.
Don't get me wrong, USSSA is a very good organization, and I have nothing but respect for my fellow "Red" (or in NM we wear "Cream"-light colors are great when it's 100 degrees on the field) and the UIC's. I just wish the rules blended with Federation and ASA.