Originally Posted by NM FP Ump
I am new to this website (first post, rookie), but have been officiating for 4 years now.
I spent a lot of time in LL coaching my daughters, then coached my youngest daughter thru club ball until our "styles" started clashing. I was still "hooked" on fastpitch softball, so I signed up for ASA in 2003, Federation in 2004 and USSSA in 2005. I don't do much ASA now (they are in the lower part of the state), but wish I did because their rule set is much better than USSSA.
Welcome to the board, NM!
As to the ASA rule book being better than the U-trip book, I agree. The ASA book is tightly written, nicely edited, has no confusingly written rules, is free from contradiction, and has no gramatical errors.