LL rules exactly the same as OBR in this. About the call? HTBT.
Nearing my swan song as an ump, I do only LL games now (some on normal diamond). In general, many LL umps I have seen are at the bottom end of the umpiring chain.
In addition to the volunteer basis, there are other reasons, IMHO.
- Many arbiters are older and have been making the same mistakes for years--they are so senior that no one can tell them that white socks, for example, don't make it.
- In general, LL umps are not members of any "association." Ergo, no one to evaluate them, teach proper mechanics, etc. W-port frowns on umpires' associations.
- Younger umps coming up the ladder learn from these Smitties and develop the same bad habits.
- Other leagues (Babe Ruth, e. g.) get their umps from the local high school board where training and evaluation are much better effected.
Myself and some other umps have gotten around these problems and have established a nice cadre of about 30 local LL umps, all with Fed patches. Email me personally and I'll tell you how.
Ace Holleran
[email protected]