Thread: Reporting Subs
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Old Thu Jul 19, 2007, 05:15pm
Chess Ref Chess Ref is offline
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Reporting Subs

I had a couple different reporting sub dealies come up in a pretty high end 18's tourney....

1. Pitching change-unreported-I noticed different F1. I go to coach about it and they didn't think they needed to report it cause it was only a position swap. I brought up courtesy runner implications. They acted like I was an OOO. I believe I am correct on this.

2. When DP plays defense do they need to report to PU ? I was BU. New, unreported DP gets hurt. Offensive team wants unreported sub,ejections and the whole shbang. After 10 minutes PU finally squared it away but it was a mess for aboutt 8 of the 10 minutes......what say you

3. When say F8 & F9 switch positions are they required by rule to report that change ? I, have historically not payed much attention to the "non-important" position changes....IS my thinking incorrect on this ?
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