Originally Posted by UES
Well, Well, Well
You can prefer whatever mechanic you want but you will not only look like a tool for hammering a strike three not legally caught, but you will find yourself having to explain your screwed mechanic to Mr Skipper when he asks you why you SIGNALED his batter out (by hammering strike 3) while at the same time verbally saying he's not out (by saying no catch and giving a safe mechanic). Perhaps you went to the Doug Eddings School of Umpiring????
Come on SA Ump, you have to admit that hammering a dropped third strike and then following it up with a safe mechanic looks pretty f*cked up 
I agree that some idiot placed a sharp curve along a straight road. {bad analogy?}
I hate giving the
safe part when the safe or out is still in doubt.
The B/R is tagged-out most of the time and an umpire wants to insert a safe signal here. Whoa, makes no sense.
I much prefer repeating "no catch" while pointing to the ground waiting for someone to "get up" and do something.
I swear that was the pro mechanic a short time ago for a fair fly ball, not caught.
I am already comfortable with the hammer and coaches don't bother me much.
I can't wait for anything else that may filter down to replace this asap.
Safe and out in the same sentence. YGTBKM.