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Old Sun Apr 07, 2002, 08:37am
Bfair Bfair is offline
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Ed, there's really one issue that really bothers me in this situation.........
The batter ain't got ball four and hasn't walked until the official declares it.

Now, most umpires I know are not yelling "ball" at the smack of the glove. In fact, many have 1.5-2 second delays in their timing. So, how long does it take a catcher to glove the pitch and release the throw? With that in mind, has the batter yet become a runner when he interferes with the catcher?

While you seem quite willing to make this an umpire error, the catcher may not know what the call of the pitch is going to be, yet he has to react to the situation---a stealing runner.

Timing of the call could have a lot to do with the play that developed. If the batter received ball four, he has a right to advance. If he hasn't received ball four, then he shouldn't be in front of the plate.

How fast is your timing?

Just my opinion,


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